Internal communication is essential for any kind of business, but in retail this is even more important. It’s not enough to reach employees with just an email most of all because the people who work in stores or warehouses don’t really have time to sit in front of a computer. Yet, employees must be kept updated about what’s going on in the company in order to provide a better customer service. So… How do we solve this dilemma?
The answer is through mobile apps such as RetailApp, with simple and intuitive interfaces that allow a closer communication between members of the company from CEOs to store managers and sellers. The truth is that in the retail industry, 70% of the employees work outside headquarters, that is why a tool like this is essential for the company success and even more, in such a competitive environment where a small thing could mean a great change.
But, why is internal communication so necessary? We’re facing the last quarter of 2020 marked by an unprecedented global pandemic and anyone would think that customers would prefer to avoid human contact as much as possible and go for something more digital. However, we’ve noticed a hybrid between online and offline shopping, but according to a PwC report, 75% of global customers prefer to physically interact with a person despite the constant technological advancements.
And this is where internal communication comes into action. As mentioned before, it is critical to keep workers informed about what’s going on at the company, as well as the business strategies taken by c-Levels. This way employees feel more involved in the business, they work better and of course, they can even contribute with their own insights. Sometimes a vendor’s perspective can become truly important while making decisions. And this communication is possible thanks to mobile apps.
A McKinsey’s study showed that the correct use of these kinds of internal social platforms can increase productivity up to 25%. Also, in certain cases, they can also reduce by 35% the time an employee spends searching business’ information.
Overall, internal communication is the key to succeed in retail. It’s the best way to support decision-making and a good employee performance. That is why starting to use a mobile app in order to communicate with your employees is a great idea. What are you waiting for?