New year, new goals, and most importantly, the best moment for planning our sales and marketing strategies for 2020. Because, in the retail business, the product may become king, but the planning is always the queen. Identifying the most important dates for our business line is fundamental for us to, consequently, be able to create an efficient strategy that will lead us to success and to generate more revenue. That’s why we invite you to download our calendar which has all the special dates for the retail world in order to be ready for the rest of the year.
But before that, let’s stop for a minute and focus on why it’s so important to have a planning strategy, because we’re not talking about mere numbers and days on a calendar. Being prepared in advance for the campaigns that are going to take place during the year can make a big difference for your company. Something that directly translates into more sales, customers’ trust and loyalty, and mainly, into a more effective use of the company’s resources.
To give you a better overview of what it means to plan our sales initiatives around the most important dates for the retail sector, let’s go through some of them together. Though it may not seem like it, even when you think that your products or services do not fully apply with certain dates, the truth is that almost all of them can be used for boosting your company’s sales.
Let’s start with the United States. According to Statista, only on Mother’s Day (May 10th) Americans spent a total of $24.95 billion in 2019, almost two billion more than in the previous year. On Valentine’s Day (February 14th), also in 2019, the record number was $20.7 billion. For Halloween (October 31st), registered sales reached $8.8 billion. For its part, according to Adobe Analytics, Thanksgiving Day (November 28th) reached $4.2 billion in online sales, Black Friday (November 29th) up to $7.4 billion, and Cyber Monday (December 2nd) up to $9.2 billion, with a remarkable increase of 16.9% compared with last year.
In Great Britain, according to Finder, together Black Friday and Cyber Monday reached sales by £5.6 billion (a little bit more than 7 billion in USD). In Spain, for example, experts ensure that sales grow by 24% the days before Father’s Day (March 19th), and even more for Mother’s Day (May 3rd). And, in general, talking about online shopping in 2019, the people in northern countries spent: 30 billion euros in Sweden, 19 billion euros in Denmark; Norwegians and Finns spent 17 and 14 billion euros, respectively. Certainly, a retail market to take into consideration.
And last but not least, the Latin American countries. In Mexico, for Children’s Day (April 30th) the registered amount of sales rose up to 20.4 billion Mexican pesos in 2019, according to the Mexican National Chambers of Commerce, Services and Tourism Confederation. And, during the Hot Sale 2019 campaign spending amount was 11.4 billion mexican pesos (Mexican Online Sales Association). On the other hand, during Cyber Monday Chile 2019 (which lasted three whole days) the record number was estimated in 271 million dollars, according to Santiago’s Chamber of Commerce. While in Brazil, Christmas sales (December of 2019) reached 42 million dollars, as stated by the Shopping Centers Association.
All in all, it’s a matter of choosing the dates that better adjust to your product or service, plan ahead and then just sit down and see the results.
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