Internal communication: the key to succeed in the retail industry

Internal communication is essential for any kind of business, but in retail this is even more important. It’s not enough to reach employees with just an email most of all because the people who work in stores or warehouses don’t really have time to sit in front of a computer. Yet, employees must be kept updated about what’s going on in the company in order to provide a better customer service. So… How do we solve this dilemma? The answer is through mobile apps such as RetailApp, with simple and intuitive interfaces that allow a closer communication between members of…

The future of retail is in the Internet of Things - RetailApp

The future of retail is in the Internet of Things

The retail industry, like many others, is merging technology into its operations. Process digitalization, e-commerce, Artificial Intelligence (AI) are all examples of the digital revolution that the industry is going through during the last years and that seems to be the right thing to do. In this regard, the Internet of Things (IoT) is starting to settle down in the retail business. What are the benefits and how exactly will they transform the industry? Keep on reading and find out in which direction the retail industry is going! The numbers speak for themselves. According to one of the last Global…

RetailApp - 10 ways the pandemic will change our shopping habits

10 ways the pandemic will change our shopping habits

Undoubtedly, the pandemic has caused economic damages at a global level and the retail sector is not the exception. Though the coronavirus keeps with its expansion on the American continent, also including some new outbreaks in Europe and Asia, we are beginning to see how’s life going to be like in the new normal. That is why we will tell you 10 ways in which the pandemic will change our shopping habits. Is then retail industry ready for the challenge? Just keep on reading and find out! Consumption, hygiene and trustfulness During the so called ‘new normal’, people will go…

RetailApp - The industry that knew how to adapt to survive in times of pandemic

Retail: The industry that knew how to adapt to survive in times of pandemic

We’ve heard that e-Commerce has moved forward rapidly from something that was expected to be happening in a couple of years to being a reality in just a few weeks, adapting itself to the immediate demands generated due to the Coronavirus crisis. Retail is one of the unique industries that understood the needs of a digital transformation and under these circumstances reacted and managed to mitigate the pandemic’s impact. The results are clear and we’ve already mentioned some of them in our latest post. In spite of that and looking ahead, the world’s biggest challenge is to discover if we…

Infographic: The impact of the coronavirus on LATAM e-commerce

We anticipated in this article the online purchasing behavior of some of the countries in the region. Based on these data, we developed this infographic so that you can have an overview of all the information with the main KPIS by country. Please fill in the form below and download the infographic. Did you like this article? Share it with your colleagues! Share on facebook Share on Facebook Share on twitter Share on Twitter Share on linkedin Share on Linkedin Leave us your comments

RetailApp - The first data about ecommerce

Coronavirus and Retail: The first data about E-Commerce

The global crisis of COVID-19 sped up convergence between traditional and online commerce, an outcome that we were beating in the retail world, not just because of what numbers and tendencies promised, but because of a situation that nobody ever imagined. In times of social distancing there is no safer alternative, for our customers and for our employees, than to shop online. Lockdown due to the health emergency raised the numbers of online purchases at global level. The WTO highlights that B2B and B2C sales soared. Industries that were in the last positions, talking about the amount of online transactions,…

RetailApp - AI in resourcing planning

Artificial Intelligence in resource planning, a growing trend in retail

It is well known in the retail industry that an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software is, by far, one of the best investments a business can make. Specially if it’s supplemented by AI . Each year, more and more companies are being buoyed up by this, generating results in a faster and visible way. We are talking about improving performance, customer service, and working capital, which inevitably leads to company growth. Are you thinking on taking your company to the next level? Keep reading, everything you need to know is in the numbers. It is proven that 95% of companies…

Planning as the best strategy for retail

Planning as the best strategy for retail New year, new goals, and most importantly, the best moment for planning our sales and marketing strategies for 2020. Because, in the retail business, the product may become king, but the planning is always the queen. Identifying the most important dates for our business line is fundamental for us to, consequently, be able to create an efficient strategy that will lead us to success and to generate more revenue. That’s why we invite you to download our calendar which has all the special dates for the retail world in order to be ready…

RetailApp - RetailApp present in the Retail Pro Global Council 2019

RetailApp present in the Retail Pro Global Council 2019

Last week, RetailApp™ was part of the of the “Retail Pro Global Council”, one of the most important events in the retail industry. The gathering took place in Miami, April 4th to 6th, and it reunited more than 9,000 customers, rounding up to 159,000 points of sales in around 130 countries. Organized by Retail Pro International (RPI), one of the global leaders in management of software for retailers, the event work around three of the most influential subjects for the activity nowadays: strategy, sales and retail empowerment. In this theme, all the attendants had the chance to contact all of…

RetailApp - Retail into the furure the keys of transformation


Millenials, centennials, generation T. They have new ways of accessing the information; new ways of interacting and deciding in the process of purchasing. However, what most business stakeholders overlook about this scenario is that people belonging to any of these groups will be leading the new generation of store purchasing as managers, executives and directors, and they’ll transform regular brick-and-mortar stores into a new form of business, more closely related to their new ways of behaving. Trends indicate that most retail store staff members will reduce up to a whopping 40% less of their work time spent  in administrative chores…