Infographic: The impact of the coronavirus on LATAM e-commerce

We anticipated in this article the online purchasing behavior of some of the countries in the region. Based on these data, we developed this infographic so that you can have an overview of all the information with the main KPIS by country. Please fill in the form below and download the infographic. Did you like this article? Share it with your colleagues! Share on facebook Share on Facebook Share on twitter Share on Twitter Share on linkedin Share on Linkedin Leave us your comments

RetailApp - The first data about ecommerce

Coronavirus and Retail: The first data about E-Commerce

The global crisis of COVID-19 sped up convergence between traditional and online commerce, an outcome that we were beating in the retail world, not just because of what numbers and tendencies promised, but because of a situation that nobody ever imagined. In times of social distancing there is no safer alternative, for our customers and for our employees, than to shop online. Lockdown due to the health emergency raised the numbers of online purchases at global level. The WTO highlights that B2B and B2C sales soared. Industries that were in the last positions, talking about the amount of online transactions,…

Planning as the best strategy for retail

Planning as the best strategy for retail New year, new goals, and most importantly, the best moment for planning our sales and marketing strategies for 2020. Because, in the retail business, the product may become king, but the planning is always the queen. Identifying the most important dates for our business line is fundamental for us to, consequently, be able to create an efficient strategy that will lead us to success and to generate more revenue. That’s why we invite you to download our calendar which has all the special dates for the retail world in order to be ready…

RetailApp - This is what happened in RetailApp ONE’s launch event

This is what happened in RetailApp™ ONE’s launch event

During a special event with over 250 assistants, most of which were CEOs and directors of companies in the retail industry, we presented RetailApp™ ONE. Our data platform has been completely renewed, to include all of RetailApp’s already known functionalities and also to add new features such as the newly integrated Digital Checklist, the inclusion of rankings in every KPI and a brand-new social module, capable of managing messaging, audio and video calls, without having to leave the app. Find out about everything that happened in the event in this note. In the city of Sao Paulo, in May 8th,…

RetailApp - How can BI help you in decision making


The power of data has been growing year by year and 2018 was not the exception. We started talking about Big Data a while ago, then it was artificial intelligence, and now we’re talking about Business Intelligence (BI). We launched RetailApp in 2015, acknowledging the importance of translating the data into information of interest that could help you in both yours and your team’s daily work routines. Analyzing the data your company generates and transforming them into real-time info you can use to improve your day-by-day activity has become one of our key market proposals. Now, moving on to seeing how BI is a strong ally…

RetailApp - Retail into the furure the keys of transformation


Millenials, centennials, generation T. They have new ways of accessing the information; new ways of interacting and deciding in the process of purchasing. However, what most business stakeholders overlook about this scenario is that people belonging to any of these groups will be leading the new generation of store purchasing as managers, executives and directors, and they’ll transform regular brick-and-mortar stores into a new form of business, more closely related to their new ways of behaving. Trends indicate that most retail store staff members will reduce up to a whopping 40% less of their work time spent  in administrative chores…

RetailApp - 4 Tips to take advantage of your online presence and boost your retail store sales

4 Tips to take advantage of your online presence and boost your retail store sales

The use of technology in business has changed completely the way we buy in the 21st century, revolutionizing how companies can communicate their product offering to their final consumers. However, despite the growth shown by online shopping each year, there’s still consumers that prefer to buy in store. In the United States, according to polls made by TimeTrade to a universe of 1,000+ consumers, 70% of the people prefer to buy in store when shopping for clothing, raw food and daily use products, choosing online shopping mainly for Electronics and home appliances. 70% of the people prefer to buy in…

Webinar RetailApp #1: Translating Big Data into Decisions

Relive the first edition of RetailApp Webinar Series. In two meetings that attracted more than 50 spectators, our CEO, Gonzalo Almada, along with Alejandro Solorzano, VP Global Sales, presented their analysis on one of the challenges of the retail industry: "Transform Data into Decisions". If you could not attend this event, we invite you to relive it by accessing our Youtube channel. Select your language and enjoy it: Portuguese Spanish Do you want to keep up with our upcoming events? Register to receive our newsletter or follow us on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIN.

RetailApp - How can BI help you in decision making

How can Business Intelligence help you in making decisions?

The power of data is one of the realities that grows year after year and 2018 was no exception. We started talking about Big Data a while ago. We continue by Artificial Intelligence. Now we add Business Intelligence (BI) In 2015 we launched RetailApp, recognizing the importance of transforming that data into necessary information for your routines and those of your entire team. As you already know, analyzing the data that your company is generating, to transform them into information that we show you in real time in a clear and easily accessible way is one of our distinctive features.…

RetailApp - We won Jaula de Negocios

RetailApp is the winner of the argentine program “Jaula de Negocios”

After a casting of more than 1,000 applicants and 60 entrepreneurs, RetailApp was selected to participate in the Season 1, the successful TV program in the country (Argentina) with more than 200,000 viewers in its last broadcast, had its 3rd winning project in chapter 11, released last Saturday at 10 p.m. RetailApp, an innovative application for retailing (global retail), overcame the 3 stages and achieved the dream of obtaining the investment to increase its project, obtaining funding for 1 million dollars from one of the sworn investors of the cycle. Marta Cruz, representing Nxtp Labs, was the one who made…